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Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is a common symptom of endometriosis, adenomyosis, vulvodynia, vaginismus, and fibroids. Pelvic pain can significantly impact a woman's daily life. While conventional medicine offers limited treatment options, some women seek complementary therapies like acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for pain management and overall well-being.

Initial Consultation

One of our registered acupuncture, highly experienced in fertility will discuss your medical history, menstrual cycle, and fertility goals.

Treatment Plan

Based on your unique needs, a personalised treatment plan will be created, which may include acupuncture (link to therapy page), herbal medicine (link to therapy page),  moxibustion (link to therapy page).


Regular treatments are typically recommended, often weekly or fortnightly depending on individual circumstance and if you are receiving other treatments liek IVF or other ART.

Acupuncture Sessions

Thin, sterile, single use needles are inserted at specific acupoints on the body. The experience is generally painless and in most circumstance is very relaxing. We keep you warm with heat packs on your feet and heat lamps if needed, we place an eye pillow over your eyes and we let you listen to gentle music or a guided relaxation meditation depending on your preference at the time. 

Complementary Care

Acupuncture and TCM work best when used alongside conventional prenatal care. Be sure to discuss this complementary approach with your healthcare provider.

The Chinese Medicine Perspective on Pelvic Pain

Chinese Medicine views pelvic pain as a sign of stagnation or imbalance in the flow of qi and blood within the body. Endometriosis, from a TCM perspective, can further disrupt this flow, leading to pain and other symptoms.

Acupuncture for Pelvic Pain Relief

Acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific points along meridians in the body. By stimulating these points, acupuncture aims to:

  • Reduce pain: Acupuncture can help alleviate pelvic pain by promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, and stimulating the body's natural pain-relieving mechanisms.

  • Improve circulation: Acupuncture may help improve blood circulation in the pelvic region, which can reduce tissue congestion and promote healing.

  • Balance hormones: Acupuncture may indirectly influence hormonal imbalances associated with endometriosis, potentially contributing to symptom relief.

A Holistic Approach

Acupuncture is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional treatments for endometriosis. It can be a valuable tool for managing pain and improving overall well-being.

Research on Acupuncture for Endometriosis

Studies on acupuncture for endometriosis are encouraging. Research suggests acupuncture can be effective in reducing pain intensity and improving quality of life in women with endometriosis. One study found that acupuncture was more effective than a placebo in lowering dysmenorrhea (painful periods) associated with endometriosis.

Combining Treatments

Chinese Medicine offers a comprehensive approach to women's health. In addition to acupuncture, a Chinese Medicine  practitioner might recommend dietary modifications, herbal remedies, or stress management techniques to address the root causes of pelvic pain and support your overall health.

A Holistic Approach

Acupuncture is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional treatments for endometriosis. It can be a valuable tool for managing pain and improving overall well-being.

Understanding Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain

Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial tissue, the tissue that lines the uterus, grows outside the uterus. This misplaced tissue can cause inflammation, scarring, and severe pelvic pain, particularly during menstruation. However, pelvic pain can exist without endometriosis or other physical reasons. 

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Research on Acupuncture for Endometriosis

Studies on acupuncture for endometriosis are encouraging. Research suggests acupuncture can be effective in reducing pain intensity and improving quality of life in women with endometriosis. One study found that acupuncture was more effective than a placebo in lowering dysmenorrhea (painful periods) associated with endometriosis.

Combining Treatments

Chinese Medicine offers a comprehensive approach to women's health. In addition to acupuncture, a Chinese Medicine practitioner might recommend dietary modifications, herbal remedies, or stress management techniques to address the root causes of pelvic pain and support your overall health.

A Holistic Approach

Acupuncture is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional treatments for endometriosis. It can be a valuable tool for managing pain and improving overall well-being.

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