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Acupuncture for IVF Support

Trying to conceive can be an exciting yet emotionally demanding time. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine offer a natural and holistic approach to support your fertility journey, promoting optimal health and well-being for individuals and couples trying to conceive.

Our suggested schedule for using acupuncture to enhance IVF results is below. Please keep in mind that individual circumstances may vary and so can treatment.

Initial Consultation

One of our registered acupuncture, highly experienced in fertility will discuss your medical history, menstrual cycle, and fertility goals.

Treatment Plan

Based on your unique needs, a personalised treatment plan will be created, which may include acupuncture (link to therapy page), herbal medicine (link to therapy page),  moxibustion (link to therapy page).


Regular treatments are typically recommended, often weekly or fortnightly depending on individual circumstance and if you are receiving other treatments liek IVF or other ART.

Acupuncture Sessions

Thin, sterile, single use needles are inserted at specific acupoints on the body. The experience is generally painless and in most circumstance is very relaxing. We keep you warm with heat packs on your feet and heat lamps if needed, we place an eye pillow over your eyes and we let you listen to gentle music or a guided relaxation meditation depending on your preference at the time. 

How Can Acupuncture and TCM Help

Before Starting Your Cycle (2-3 Months):

Weekly sessions: Focus on regulating your menstrual cycle, balancing hormones and improving pelvic blood flow to enhance egg quality and overall wellbeing. This lays the foundation for a healthy reproductive system.

  • Additional considerations: Depending on your specific health concerns, your practitioner may recommend additional sessions to address related issues like stress management and sleep quality.

Before Starting Your Cycle (2-3 Months)

Weekly Sessions

During Your IVF Cycle:

  • Weekly to twice-weekly sessions: Continue supporting egg development, endometrial lining thickness, and managing stress levels. Adjustments might be made based on your cycle phase and medication usage.

  • Beginning of your cycle: Address any menstrual flow issues and potentially improve follicular growth.

  • 1 week into stimulation cycle: Optimise blood flow to your ovaries to support follicle development and maturation.

  • Pre-embryo transfer (morning of or evening before): Enhance uterine receptivity and promote relaxation.

  • Post-embryo transfer: Reduce any cramping, calm the nervous system.

  • 3-5 day post embryo transfer: Support implantation, reduce anxiety.

  • Early pregnancy: Continue weekly sessions to support implantation and calm the nervous system.

We care about you

Before Starting Your Cycle (2-3 Months)

Weekly Sessions

Focus on regulating your menstrual cycle, balancing hormones, and improving pelvic blood flow to enhance egg quality and overall well-being. This lays the foundation for a healthy reproductive system.

Focus on regulating your menstrual cycle, balancing hormones, and improving pelvic blood flow to enhance egg quality and overall well-being. This lays the foundation for a healthy reproductive system.

We care about you

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