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Gua Sha

Unlike the other TCM practices we often hear about, Gut Sha is a visual and stimulating technique. A smooth-edged tool, traditionally made from jade or a coin, is used to repeatedly scrape the skin until reddish petechiae (tiny red dots) appear. This may seem intense, but the purpose is to stimulate blood flow and break up stagnation in the underlying tissues.

Improved Microcirculation

Gua Sha is believed to promote blood flow in the targeted areas, potentially enhancing the delivery of essential nutrients and hormones to the organs that produce them, like the ovaries and adrenals.


Some TCM practitioners believe Gua Sha helps eliminate toxins and metabolic waste products that can contribute to hormonal imbalances.

Balanced Qi Flow

In TCM, stagnant qi is considered a root cause of many health problems, including hormonal imbalances. Gua Sha is thought to stimulate the flow of qi, promoting a more balanced internal environment.

How Can Gua Sha Help Hormones?

While scientific research on Gua Sha specifically for hormonal issues is still emerging, TCM theory suggests it can benefit hormonal health in a few ways:

A Holistic Approach

TCM views menstrual health as part of a woman's overall health. In addition to acupuncture, a TCM practitioner might recommend dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, or stress management techniques to support your menstrual health journey.

Finding Balance

Acupuncture and TCM offer a natural approach to promoting menstrual health. By addressing the root cause of imbalances, acupuncture can help women achieve a more regular, comfortable, and symptom-free cycle. If you're looking for a complementary approach to managing your menstrual health, consider consulting one of our practitioners at Melbourne Reproductive Acupuncture. 

Who Can Benefit from Gua Sha for Hormones?

It may be helpful for various hormonal concerns, including:

Overall Hormonal Well-being

By promoting circulation and potentially addressing stagnation, Gua Sha might contribute to a more balanced hormonal environment.

Stress-related Hormonal Imbalances

The act of Gua Sha can be surprisingly relaxing, potentially reducing stress levels that can disrupt hormone production.

Menstrual Irregularities

Gua Sha on specific areas may help regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate PMS symptoms.

Important Considerations

  • Consult a qualified practitioner: A registered Chinese medicine practitioner can assess your individual needs and determine if Gua Sha is suitable for you. They will also know the appropriate areas to target for hormonal concerns.

  • Temporary Discomfort: Gua Sha can cause temporary redness and slight discomfort, but it shouldn't be painful. Communicate with your practitioner about any concerns.

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Important Considerations

  • Consult a qualified practitioner: A registered Chinese medicine practitioner can assess your individual needs and determine if Gua Sha is suitable for you. They will also know the appropriate areas to target for hormonal concerns.

  • Temporary Discomfort: Gua Sha can cause temporary redness and slight discomfort, but it shouldn't be painful. Communicate with your practitioner about any concerns.

Who Can Benefit from Gua Sha for Hormones?

It may be helpful for various hormonal concerns, including:

Menstural Irregularities

Gua Sha on specific areas may help regulate menstrual cycles and alleviate PMS symptoms.

Stress-related Hormonal Imblances

The act of Gua Sha can be surprisingly relaxing, potentially reducing stress levels that can disrupt hormone production.

Overall Hormonal Well-being

By promoting circulation and potentially addressing stagnation, Gua Sha might contribute to a more balanced hormonal environment.

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