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Initial Consultation

One of our registered acupuncture, highly experienced in fertility will discuss your medical history, menstrual cycle, and fertility goals.

Treatment Plan

Based on your unique needs, a personalised treatment plan will be created, which may include acupuncture (link to therapy page), herbal medicine (link to therapy page),  moxibustion (link to therapy page).


Regular treatments are typically recommended, often weekly or fortnightly depending on individual circumstance and if you are receiving other treatments liek IVF or other ART.

Acupuncture Sessions

Thin, sterile, single use needles are inserted at specific acupoints on the body. The experience is generally painless and in most circumstance is very relaxing. We keep you warm with heat packs on your feet and heat lamps if needed, we place an eye pillow over your eyes and we let you listen to gentle music or a guided relaxation meditation depending on your preference at the time. 

How Can Acupuncture and TCM Help

Balance hormones

Acupuncture is believed to regulate the endocrine system, potentially improving the production and function of hormones crucial for ovulation, egg quality, and sperm health.

Enhance Blood Flow

By stimulating specific acupoints, acupuncture may increase blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, creating a more nourishing environment for conception and implantation.

Improve Sperm Quality

Studies suggest acupuncture may improve sperm count, motility, and morphology in men.

Support Overall Well-being

TCM takes a holistic view of health. Acupuncture and herbal remedies (when appropriate) can address underlying issues that may be affecting fertility, such as poor sleep or digestive problems.

Reduce Stress

Stress can significantly impact fertility. Acupuncture's relaxing effects can help manage stress hormones, promoting a calmer and more receptive state for conception.

What to expect during treatment

The Benefits of Choosing Acupuncture and TCM for Fertility

Natural and Non-invasive

Acupuncture offers a safe and natural approach to fertility support, with minimal
side effects. 

Complementary Therapy

TCM can be integrated seamlessly with traditional Western fertility treatments like IUI or IVF, enhancing their effectiveness.

Addresses the Root Cause

TCM focuses on identifying and addressing underlying imbalances that may be affecting your health or fertility. 

Empowering and Supportive

Taking an active role in your fertility journey can be empowering. Acupuncture and TCM can provide a sense of control and well-being during this time.

Why choose Melbourne Reproductive Acupuncture?

At MRA we are AHPRA registered practitioners and have 30+ years experience working with people and couples trying to start a family and supporting individuals towards great hormonal health. We care about you and we take time to understand your journey and how we can best support you.

We are more than just an acupuncture clinic, having worked with thousands of fertility and hormonal health patients. We understand the complexities of starting a family or navigating hormonal health challenges and how it impacts every single aspect of your life. We are here to support you through the really tough times. We are here to listen, tailor a treatment plan that will support you and then stick by you until you reach your goals.

What to expect during treatment

Acupuncture Sessions

Thin, sterile, single use needles are inserted at specific acupoints on the body. The experience is generally painless and in most circumstance is very relaxing. We keep you warm with heat packs on your feet and heat lamps if needed, we place an eye pillow over your eyes and we let you listen to gentle music or a guided relaxation meditation for 20-25 minutes.


Regular treatments are important, typically we may recommended weekly or fortnightly sessions depending on individual circumstance and if you are receiving other treatments like IVF or other ART. If you are having an embryo transfer we can discuss specifically timed treatments during your appointment.

Initial Consultation

One of our experienced acupuncturist will discuss your medical history, menstrual cycle, fertility or general health goals.

Treatment Plan

Based on your unique needs, a personalised treatment plan will be created, which may include acupuncture, herbal medicine,  or moxibustion.

Ready to Explore Acupuncture and TCM for Fertility?

Reach out to us here to discuss your individual needs and embark on this exciting chapter with a sense of empowerment and well-being.

We care about you

We care about you


Trying to conceive can be an exciting yet emotionally demanding time. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine offer a natural and holistic approach to support your fertility journey, promoting optimal health and well-being for both partners.

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